Home Organization for Households with Kids

Home Organization for Households with Kids

It is a known fact that a single person or a married couple without children is much more organized than people who have children. It really isn’t rocket science here. People with kids simply don’t have the time to put everything in its place. They’re running all over trying to take care of their little ones. You shouldn’t be embarrassed. You aren’t alone. Many parents have issues with home organization but you should be aware that there are ways to make your home picture perfect and safe for your kids too.

Get Rid of the Kids No, you needn’t put your kids on somebody’s doorstep but you should find a family member or friend to babysit them for a day, two if needed. You’ll never get organized if you are chasing the kids around. It’s best to be able to be completely focused on the task at hand, organizing your home for the benefit of your family.

Split the Baby You can’t look at the house as a whole. You’ll need to dissect it into areas and room or else the project will seem too overwhelming and you’ll become frustrated. Take the smallest areas on first, such as closets and bathrooms. Then, you can move onto bedrooms, living room, kitchen, dining room, etc. Make a list of which rooms are being attacked in order. This will help you to see how well you are doing with your home organization project.

Stay, Store, Sell or Sack You’ll need to make four piles for each area that you are organizing. All of the items that belong in the room should be in the first pile. The second pile should contain the items that you need to keep but can be stored elsewhere for later use. Items that could be of use to others should be placed in the third pile. Finally, the fourth pile should be for trash. Ideally, it would be best to toss those things in the trash sack immediately. There is no room for second thoughts when it comes to home organization however; you should never get rid of your kids’ special toys or stuffed animals. You surely don’t want them to become upset when they get home.

Make Everything Shine Before you spend your time putting the items back into the room, you should do a really deep cleaning. The room should be sparkling clean as well as the items that will be placed back in it. This will help you to save time later and honestly, when you have children there is very little time for deep cleaning the house. The things that you will be placing in your storage bins should also be thoroughly cleaned. You surely wouldn’t want a rude awakening when you retrieve a needed object only to find it filthy. Always clean everything before storage and you will be much happier later.

List and Label You’ll need to break out a piece of paper and pen or your trusty label maker now. It is of the utmost importance that you mark each bin with each item contained within. It’s unwise to directly label the bin with a Sharpie as you’ll need to remove labels or cross them off of the list when you discard them. If the actual bin is permanently marked, it will look unorganized and messy. Label makers are really the best way to identify the items in each of your bins. Pick Up the Pace Most people are actually able to pick up the pace once they see that they’ve accomplished organizing a room or two. The adrenaline starts pumping once they see the results of their hard work. Home organization doesn’t have to be a grueling job. Try turning on some fast paced music and you’ll see that you will start going through your possessions much faster.

Bins Everywhere Now that you have the entire house cleaned and neat, you are left to deal with all of the bins filled with items for storage. You’ll need to find a safe place to keep them so that the kids would get into them or get hurt by them. One of the safest storage solutions for families with children is an overhead garage storage rack. These overhead garage racks are great because they don’t impede your ability to use the garage for your car and keep your possessions off of the ground to prevent water damage. They are super strong as well and very safe for children. The overhead garage racks can even accommodate bicycles and other items that can be hung underneath or off to the side of the rack using different types of hooks. Once you have found your storage area, be sure to stow your bins logically. For example, keep all of your holiday bins together and the same would be wise for sporting equipment and so on. This will help you get to the right area quickly so that you can retrieve the needed items efficiently. Home organization is all about efficiency and with kids; everybody needs to be as efficient as possible.

Relax and Revel Finally! It’s time to kick back, relax and revel in the fact that you’ve finished your home organization project. A word to the wise, if you didn’t already have garage overhead storage units, you should seriously think about getting them. You can learn more about these great storage solutions at sr-store.eagleindustrialgroup.com.

Contact SafeRacks today to find out more about garage storage solutions for your home. Call us today at (877) 655-3443 or email us at support@saferacks.com. You can also check out our FAQ page for more information. www.SafeRacks.com

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