Don't Let Your Garage Go To Waste
For decades, garages have been helping families organize their lives; by taking all their crap! However if a garage is not utilized to its true potential, the car would probably be at the mercy of the sidewalk. According to the National Association of Professional Organizers, 25% people with two garages can't get a single car in!
Garage Storage Systems
A garage holds great potential to carry the entire load of a household. But that requires garage organization skills and strategic planning. Companies like SafeRacks provides great storage solutions which are customized according to different sized garages and are based on individual needs. Garage over head storage racks and ceiling storage solutions are a great way of using up every corner of your garage.
However even a storage system would only work if you will utilize it properly and will keep it maintained.
What is Waste?
You probably think that everything that made its way into your garage is either a necessity, a saving or a good investment for an unknown future. That may not be the case. Everything that you haven't used in the past year and don't intend to use in the near future, is likely to be just a waste of storage space. Here are a few things that you may have overlooked while cleaning, but have got to go.
Awaiting Expiry
First and foremost you need to get rid of everything you don't need and everything you think you need but you don't! Just because there's some paint left in your can does not mean it gets to stay in your garage until it expires. Ask yourself if you plan on painting something in the next 6 months, and if the answer is negative, the can's got to go! Similarly all other bottles of varnishes or polishes that you don't plan on using in the near future should be discarded.
Boxes of your appliances, children's toys etc are a waste of storage space with no use whatsoever. You may think keeping them is a good saving for "future house-moving" but the lost storage space is a big price to pay for it. Make a drawer for all the instruction manuals and a file for the warranties and you'll save yourself almost an entire overhead storage rack.
Those Great Buys
Sales are a consumer's weakness; they lure you into buying things that you really don't need. So you need to go through the garage and make a list of everything that was bought on sale. Now ask yourself if it serves any purpose at all! A 3-in-1 lawnmower at 30% off is a good buy only as long as you have a lawn!
Two of Everything
Newer developments in technology keep on making our lives easier and easier. New, improved products keep hitting the market; sleeker televisions, energy-efficient refrigerators, multi-purpose food processors, the choices today are limitless. However before making a purchase, do make sure that the product offers anything more than your present commodity. And if you do decide to upgrade then all those previous fridges, televisions, computers, kettles etc need to go!
It's Not Your Size Anymore, Grow Out Of It!
Everything you or your family has grown out of should be given away. Things like bicycles, skate boards, or items of clothing that are not in use anymore or don't fit anymore will just accumulate a lot of unnecessary space. Go through everything that made its way from your wardrobe into the garage and ask yourself why it's there in the first place. If it's there only until the season changes, it makes sense, if not then it's likely that it will never make its way back in your closet.
Garage Sale
Now take all those appliances, clothes, toys and even used tins of paint and hold what will probably be your most profitable garage sale ever! And with all the space and money you make, you wouldn't feel so bad about parting with those things after all.